Access City Plumbing's extensive catalogue directly from OpenSolar in a few clicks

Collect same-day orders from across 60 City Plumbing branches

Access City Plumbing's extensive catalogue directly from OpenSolar in a few clicks

Collect same-day orders from across 60 City Plumbing branches
What to expect
What took 30 minutes now takes 30 seconds. Order by project in 30 seconds or less.
Pay nothing more than what you're paying the distributor today.
Access to over 1,500 pieces of equipment in one click.
What to expect
What took 30 minutes now takes 30 seconds. Order by project in 30 seconds or less.
Pay nothing more than what you're paying the distributor today.
Access to 100s of pieces of equipment in one click.
What took 30 minutes now takes 30 seconds. Order by project in 30 seconds or less.
Pay nothing more than what you're paying the distributor today.
Access to over 44,000 pieces of equipment in one click.
An award winning plumbing, heating and electrical merchant, supporting trade and retail customers nationwide both online, and across 370 branches. City Plumbing has been serving the trade since 1981, providing plumbing, heating, bathroom and renewables to a loyal and growing customer base.
As the industry leading merchant renowned for our expertise and helpful experts, City Plumbing offers best-in-class brands from leading manufacturers at competitive price points – and a core range that is always in stock.
Learn more about City Plumbing.
Learn more about OpenSolar.
With OpenSolar's Shop, you can order your projects faster and more seamlessly at no extra cost than if you went to your distributor directly.
Yes, you can register here.
Gone are the days of juggling phone calls, double data entry, and hours per week spent ordering the equipment you need.
For the same trade prices you’re paying today, you can now:
- Instantly calculate and order the hardware you’re going to need based on your sold projects
- Eliminate rework by only designing and selling what you know is in stock
- Browse an extensive hardware catalog with bulk discounts right from where you design and sell
If you are interested in getting started or just learning more about OpenSolar's Shop feature, fill out the form above and a member of our team will reach out to you.